The Book

The Struggling Student

by Lisa Crosby, M.Ed.

The Guide for Parents to Unlock Academic Potential

Is your child struggling in school? Here’s a secret. You’re not alone and solutions are easier than you think.

As a parent, you probably know what your child wants, but sometimes, what they need academically can be a mystery.

Have you ever wondered how you can help your kids resolve their issues in school without being “that parent” to your child’s teacher? Sadly, often teachers do not know what to do for struggling students in their classes.

Join Lisa Crosby M.Ed, an education specialist who has transformed traditional learning by addressing the needs of struggling students for over 17 years. Her success in transforming students into confident students prompted this book. For a deep dive into how you can understand your child’s academic needs, address their foundational barriers, and give them the tools to succeed in their academic career, this is a must read.

The Struggling Student Content

  • Step-by-step guide to managing attitude development, improving literacy and math skills, and overcoming barriers to success
  • Strategies to replace anxiety and second-hand stress
  • Tactics to tackle your child’s academic, emotional, or developmental needs
  • Methods to speak with educators effectively and guide your child’s journey.

Create the future you want for your child by proactively addressing their needs.

Testimonial by professional psychologist Dr Jaime Gardner, M.D. in the foreword.